Maybe not everthing, but close enough: fashion, love, movies, music, TV shows, books, cooking, the Bible and being single
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Ambition and Mondays Don't Mix
Hello everyone!
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I sure did. It was fantastic to see my aunt and cousins. Poor Bobby went Day-After-Thanksgiving-Shopping with us. He did well though and there is always an invitation for next year.
As many of you know I like to march to the beat of my own drummer. Sometimes that drummer is really fast other times he is really slow, but whatever the beat it usually turns out well if I follow it. Which is why, four weeks before Christmas I decide to "turn over a new leaf", or more to the point, become that ambitious person I always knew I was.
I decided to enact this new found ambition yesterday, Monday morning. My ambition was there at 6:00 AM (not 6:15 per usual), but my body told my ambition to take a flying leap as it was tired and went on to hit the snooze alarm twice. To be fair to my body though we just had a major break and a road trip. Those do not make for good combinations when trying to start a new routine.
Then, my other ambition was to change my hours at work to go from 8:30 - 5:30 every day. As I had been working only 9-5. Again, this didn't quite work out the way I had envisioned either. Since I hit the snooze alarm twice it set me back, and I didn't start work until 9. Then, the day was a tad slow so I ended up walking out at 5.
You would think this might put a damper on things, but no it didn't. Despite the setbacks it was still a really good day. Then I decided to blog about it. This was another ambitious plan. See I'm starting my new business and I want to blog about that as well, so I set up my computer last night and blogged while watching One Tree Hill. Alas as I went to set the fonts for the post I ended up deleting the post... TWICE! I decided not to try a third time.
I was also going to watch, The Secret of My Success, because it is the Secret of My Ambition. LOL, oh come on, that's funny! However, I ended up going downstairs and hanging out with the family and talking with Melissa. That was by far the better idea, so again, didn't quite work out, but that's okay.
So here we are today. I only hit the alarm once. I got to work at 8:30, but obviously won't be starting until 9. However, I can stay late today. So that is all about me.
Now, I read this article yesterday. And it was such a sweet article. If you too want warm fuzzies, please read this. (I also like the fact that the picture displayed is the same as my phone.)
I hope you all have a great day and I will be chatting with you later! Love to all!!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
A Most Wonderful Thanksgiving Blessing!
So, I was going to send this email on Friday. I thought that would be a good idea, until of course, Friday just snuck up on me out of the blue and realized I didn't have time to do this email. Yeah, so that is why you are getting it today. :D
I have a few things to share with you. This first link is to the best NON-SUPERBOWL commercials of the 2000s. My favorite is the gorilla one. Cracked me up. The other favorite is only if you have a more crude side such as myself, and that is the Bud Light commercial. There are some really cool ones, and ones I had forgotten about. So, check it out and have a good time.
Now we know there is a pumpkin shortage thanks to flooding and not a lot of good crops, which for many of us is a real bummer. I'm not a pumpkin pie fan, but you can just sit that loaf of my mother's pumpkin bread right in front of me. That stuff is great! However, if you are not a pumpkin fan, that is all and well and good, but are you a frozen waffle fan? If so, come join the disappointed pumpkin people. There is a shortage of that too. You can read it here if you don't believe me.
Speaking of cooking and food. How many of you are Rachael Ray fans? I know some of you can't stand her, but I really like her. And this article goes to show how cool she is. I've never been a huge Martha Stewart fan, but I think this just shows what a bitter old woman she has turned into and how gracious other people can be with that behavior. So, come read how Martha Stewart slammed Rachael Ray.
You would think with all of this bad news I would have something good to report right? I do, but not yet. I just wanted to throw a little politics your way since hey that is what I discuss at the dinner table. The reason this article is linked is because I find it very offensive that a government can tell me how large my TV can be. It's only in California now, but just wait, it will be coming your way. You can thank your friendly ex-president and vice president, Bill Clinton and Al Gore for this.
Now that I've gotten that bitter taste out of my mouth onto the wild and bizarre. Here is a look at some sea creatures never seen before. They are quite beautiful if not quite odd. I'll let you make up your own mind on it, but here is to an ever changing world and a God with such a sense of humor.
Speaking of God, I listened to this wonderful sermon from North Point Ministries entitled, The Star, The Cross, and The Crescent. A great story of how the three religions came about (and why Christianity is so different). However, the highlight of this sermon was actually the TESTIMONY of this woman, Judy Reamer. She was Jewish and converted and her testimony is such an awesome tale of God. I so hope you take the time to listen to her because you will be blessed and know what an awesome God we serve. (To see or hear it go to the link, then slide until you see the sermon, then click on it. Below will show the four sermons and choose the one with her name.)
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know I will. May blessing rain down on you this week and once again, thank-you for all that you've done for me.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Still Learning
Hello, my busy friends!
I know many of you are getting ready for next week. I certainly am, and I can't help but look back on the past few months and realize how far everything has come. I love how God humbles you sometimes, because the best lessons are never ones that come harshly. They're so gentle and such an 'a-ha' moment. That's what He has done with me lately. Showing me things I needed to know in such a way that has touched my heart and made me thankful for such a sweet God.
I've been learning a lot, but I loved this from North Point Ministries. It is called G.P.S. : Gratitude, Persistence, and Surrender. I've been enjoying listening to their messages. My favorite ones so far are Your Move and The Waiting Room. I've also been learning a great deal from Pastor Paul Sheppard, if you can listen to him (about 20 minutes) I think you'll find it worth it.
Meanwhile, I heard that I missed an incredible sermon this past Sunday. Considering how much I loved the one before it I'm really sad. However, it was all for a great cause. Dad turns 50 tomorrow. So, my mother and I conspired with his sisters and through some twists and turns took him to Oklahoma City and surprised him with his family there. It was a great time and lots of great stories.
In my own personal life I made moderator of the forum that I visit daily. It's a big position, but thankfully I have a great board with great people. I'm really excited about this. A little nerdy perhaps, but a lot of fun!
I found this article, which is a fun look at some of the expressions we use and how they were generated from nautical terms.
So this post is nice and easy this week, which is really what I've been feeling like. I wish I could let you feel this peace and incredible time I'm having with God. It is unlike anything I've gone through before. I pray you are all having a good week, and if not I know it's tough, and I'll certainly pray for you.
Love to All!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Peace, Pastors, and Paula
I wish I could tell you about all the things that have been happening, but I'm figuring it all out my self! However, God has just been talking to me in all sorts of way. I even heard Him watching Paula Dean and Guy Fieri. I don't usually watch Paula's Party because it bothers me, but it had Guy on there and I think he is just awesome. After Alton Brown I think he's my favorite, anyway I heard something and I just knew it was from God.
Then, of course, there was Brother Gene's sermon. If you didn't get to hear it on Sunday, go and ask for a CD. It was what a great sermon should be, a great kick in the butt right where you need it and the affirmation and uplifting message that inspires you to do great things. From the bottom of my heart, it was just great and I hope you all get the chance to hear it.
Now, another thing I missed and you might have too, was Taylor Swift on SNL. That was some funny stuff. You can view some of the clips here. And if you haven't heard her 'Monologue Song' you should. Proof that humor can be clean and good. Great stuff, and I hope you enjoy! You can also check out this skit, which was good if you enjoy the music scene.
I've also been collecting some other interesting things. Like I found this great video about 50 Movies by the Number. Hilarious!
Then there is this great, "I Love You, Mr. Star Wars". A video about great movie quotes done in a very clever way. So, cool.
Of course what is a Kelli post without some music huh? Not a good one. So, I have this new fabulous song that debuted on One Tree Hill last night called, "Maybe" by Everly (Bethany Joy Galeotti's band). It was incredible and you can listen to it here. Now the cool thing is this is being sold on CDBaby if you are not an iTunes subscriber.
On another note, if you don't wish to be an annoying co-worker, don't be these people. You can thank me when people don't tell others about how annoying you are.
Well, things are really looking up for me, and I want to say how blessed I am. I have great friends, family, and church family. You've made what could be a very tough situation easier. Thanks for being there for me. I hope to return the favor one day.
Love to all and have a great week!!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Do Not Fear
So, on Sunday I poured my heart out to God. Because "with one foot in and one foot back, but it don't pay to live like that" and I didn't know how to fix it. Then my favorite verse came to mind, Psalm 34:4 "I sought the Lord and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears." After I had finished my prayer time I went to read my Bible and was taken to Isaiah. Not a book I usually read and it took me to a verse I don't think I ever remember reading. Isaiah 35:4 says, "say to those with fearful hearts, 'Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you.'"
The second quote is from, "I and Love and You" by the Avett Brothers. I bought it yesterday, but you can view it here:
Now, having said all of that I think I finally have an idea as to what I want to do at the moment. I always want to do God's will, so until He tells me differently I want to stay working for my dad. We have a project that I'm apart of and quite proud of it. I want to stay until it's completion, if not longer. After the new year then the bakery will come back into play. Of course with God it is all tenative, but that's what I feel is right for the time being.
So, with all this heaviness I believe that there should be some laughter. After all it feels like the storm is breaking up for me, and I found this video so ridiculously funny I have to share. Now, you don't really need to know anything except that Christopher Walken is the best. So here Christopher Walken reading Lady GaGa's "Poker Face". A short video that should give you a good snort.
Now wasn't that hilarious? He just never gets old, well in human terms, but not in humor. In fact I think that video could have used some more cowbell? Anyone feeling me?
You can find the full version of that skit other places, and lets face it you need to! Cause we all could use a little more cowbell in our lives.
I hope everyone has a great week! Talk with you soon.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Motivated for Halloween Specials?
Good day,
Yeah, I didn't get this posted first thing, which might make you think the motivation seminar didn't do its job. That's just not true. I was motivated to do my job, which I think my boss would say that was a better motivation than this piece.
It was a great seminar, even Colin Powell was good to listen to. He was quite funny. Now, of course, the man of the hour, was George W. Bush, and he was as funny and wonderful as I remember. Terry Bradshaw was hilarious and there were several others that were wonderful to listen to. Since I'm on the political side for the moment I find it hilarious that although the left tries to defend their position of reporting on Obama they can't deny what they're doing. Here's a great article called, What If Bush Had Done That.
However, this is more of a Halloween update special. Now, I want to make sure you know that Charlie Brown's Halloween Special will be airing on both the 27th and 28th (today and tomorrow for those without a calendar) on ABC. So be sure to look for listings and watch.
Next, I found this link particularly funny: 65 of Sci-Fi's Most Amusing "One Letter Off" Movie Titles Now, if you think you can do better I feel you should submit them to me and everyone else as I'm sure we can all use the laugh. :D
Now, this is where I spent most of my time, 31 Classic Halloween TV episodes and specials, and you probably will too as this had some great clips. It includes my favorite Simpson Tree House Horror Episode, which is Tree House Horror V, and includes the clip:
So funny and soo good. I'll have to see if I can find one of my favorite Simpsons moment for another update. I think this concludes this week. Short and brief. Just like you like it. :-)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Frustrated Fears and Answers
Also this weekend Andi conviced me to try her Boba tea from the Tea and Donughts shop in the old Winn-Dixie area. I even liked the tapioca. It was odd tasting, but I liked it. Meanwhile I found this link to be of interest. It's optical illusions. Enjoy.
That article was very fun when my eye started twitching. My body is rebelling against its self. My arm has followed in the twitching department as well. Have I mentioned my frustration? Speaking of said frustrating subject, ever get a song stuck in your ear? Well this article from the Straight Dope helps explain why that happens. Great article. Go read it. I'll wait.
I know, who knew music could be like a mosquito bite to your brain? Oh, don't know what I'm talking about, go read the article. I said I would wait... welcome back. Now, as many know I'm not an Obama supporter. And his pansy way of dealing with those that don't like him gets on my nerves. However, that doesn't mean his supporters can't be funny every now and then. Remember the SNL skit? Well, I found this video. It is based on the T.I. song, "Dead and Gone". I laughed when I saw this and I think you will too. Especially since the dude playing Obama does such a great job.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Getting A Little Distressed
I think we're all guilty of using some over-used words. I don't mind most of them. However, this article justifies my absolute hatred for the word, 'whatever'. I mean I've never truly hated many things, except this word (especially when used flippantly toward me) and the song, "Do You Really Want to Hurt Me" by Culture Club. And in answer to their question every time I hear that song I do want to hurt them and hurl a flippant "whatever" at them.
Perhaps I'm starting to have a Clark Griswald breakdown. It is entirely possible. The frustration is getting to me and trying to stay positive and hopeful is really becoming a chore. If you, like me, need a reminder of what going off the deepend is like you can go here. However, a warning that there is language and crude humor. If you're not into the Vacation movies just skip this link.
There, don't you feel better? On a positive note, because I do have a few, a website we've been working on, is coming around in the search engines. I'm responsible for getting it back up there. I'm excited by this. I've done something right. I also probably caused the decline for a few days, but within three days we went from no presence on Google to having a few keywords show up in the first ten links. So, Go Me!
In celebration of my psychotic need to actually be contributing to the workforce I found this video endearing. Perhaps it is because it uses a song I love, "9 to 5" by Dolly Parton. Maybe because it features scenes from a show I used to love to watch, Supernatural. Or perhaps (and this is what I'm thinking) that it features a line that I love, "It's another day at the office. A massive and dangerous at the office." Uttered by the great character, Dean Winchester. I don't know why I love that line, but there it is. You can view it here. No need to thank me.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I have so much to share with you today. Including a video that had me rolling, so hopefully you can get a good laugh out of it as well. No music necessarily this week. Well, we'll see.
This is a demonstration of the Neti Pot. I do not make this up!
Because I'm late to the ball at times here is the article with video on the protest I went to last Monday. And yes, the rumor is true. I left at 6:30 so I could see the new One Tree Hill because no, I don't have DVR. If you go to the church you can see me and my smiling face on the bulletin board.
For those of you with a political bent (especially if you bend to the right) I found this article incredibly funny. Seriously? Read for yourself.
I'm also thinking of having a quote survivor round, where I place ten quotes I think are good, each week one gets voted off until the best quote remains. I'm thinking of starting with movie quotes, anyone else remember this line? "Excuse me, sir. Seeing as how the V.P. is such a V.I.P., shouldn’t we keep the P.C. on the Q.T.? ‘Cause if it leaks to the V.C. he could end up M.I.A., and then we’d all be put out in K.P." - Okay, that's from Good Morning Vietnam, but it gave me a laugh.
Meanwhile, durring all of this hilarity I've been baking. My first item was an Apple Spice Cake. It tasted good, but could use improvement. My second was a batch of White Chocolate Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cookies. Tasted good, but word of advice, crush the snot out of that cereal, otherwise you could lose a tooth. Then I tried a buttermilk pie. Three pies to be exact. All disasters. So to soothe my ego and sanity I did the apple spice cake again last night. Much, much better. Now, if only they would remain fat free after you warmed them up and put butter on them...hmmm....
Anyway, keep that sense of humor kids and pray for me some wisdom as I try to determine which way to go!
Have a great week and see you all soon!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
So much to get to today! First a shout out to Morty who gave me a thumbs up on my musical selection last week. I though it was awesome too. :D On that note I have another list you might be interested in. Since one of my favorite people in the world was born in 1980 (hello Shasta!) here are the Top Ten Songs from 1980. Almost thirty years.... yes, it has been that long. I can't argue with number one song though...
So, Friday was fun. We went to watch Andi play N. Crowley, in Ft.Worth on that night. We determined there must have been a police convention there because we had never seen so many cop cars in one place. There were a lot of people there too. We joked that we would have to leave early just so we could get back to the truck before they closed up. Well we did end up leaving early but it really had nothing to do with where we were parked.
As you know bleachers are not known for comfort or room, but everyone tries to make allowances for that and be more curtious to each other. Not so on Friday. The place was packed on our side, which is really kind of unusual for an away game, but none the less we found a bench where the seating was Lora, Mom, Me, and Dad at the end.
Well this woman came and sat down behind us and decided her knee fit nicely between Mom and myself. So, Mom scooted closer to Lora and I scooted closer to Dad. Turns out that this was not enough space either for the woman as she continued to poke us with different body parts, and then swung her blanket around hitting us in the head. Never apologizing once! Then, thankfully not to me, but to poor Mom, decided that she was ready to get into the spirit of the football game and yell as loud as she could in my mother's ear. (It was for our team, but her timing was off and ended up being yelled when the other team took the field.)
So, we watched the half time show, where Andi did well AND caught her rifle, but left once the 4th quarter started. (Turns out it was a good thing the cops were there as someone got arrested in the parking lot when we were trying to leave.)
The weekend was nice as well especially because Grandpa W. and Arlene were able to come join us on Sunday and then took us out to lunch. Yum!
Now, yesterday I went to my first protest. We were protesting protesters actually. You can read the article here. You can even see video, and I looked, thankfully you can't see me either. (I was on the for prayer side.) I have been living with fear since I've come back, and it has nearly crippled me emotionally. I can't really explain it but I second guess everything and I'm terrified to do anything. As most of you know I'm usually a very forthright, honest, bold, and face fear kind of person, but I haven't been that way for nearly two months now.
I know God did not give me a spirit of fear, and I pray about it to Him because I can't seem to get past it. Yesterday was a prime example of that fear. I wanted to go, knew I should, but I was afraid to go and be alone. So as the minutes were ticking by I prayed and asked God to help me with that fear. So I stood up and went to talk to my dad. He said well why don't you go, see if you can see anyone, and if you don't come back. That put me at ease so I did just that.
I saw Mrs. Pat H. and stayed. There was also a few others that I talked with. It

All in all it was a good experience and I'm slowly coming back to my old self again. Now, for someone who's boldness still inspires me I thought this article on Kirk Cameron was really good.
Meanwhile I have much more talk about, but I don't want to make this any longer. So I'll go but visit my blog and I promise more goodies. Well, stuff I like anyway.
I hope you all have a fabulous week!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Just a, What Were They Thinking moment
In case you haven't read the news or care, either is certainly possible. It seems that my beloved, Law & Order: Criminal Intent is under going some changes. Mainly that my favorite characters, Goren and Eames, are to be phased out, which means the actors that play them are gone. Now, there is just no one like Vincent D'Onofrio. And Kathryn Erbe has played Alex Eames beautifully. I hate to be a 'jump the shark' kind of person, but I don't watch the episodes that those two aren't in. And I will certainly not be watching now that they are gone.
Here's the full story:
If you are sadden by that news like I was go here, she'll treat you right.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The Good Are Out There
There is something that seems to resonate in all of us when someone takes the second chance offered and runs with it. It reminds us that we all need a second chance (and some of us more than two), and how people really can learn from their mistakes and go on to bigger and better things slightly wiser than when they started. You can read what I'm waxing poetic about here. The best part is, he's a football player. I'm not sure if that excites me because I follow football more than any other sport or because I'm from Texas and you know how we love our football. I'll let you speculate.
Meanwhile, I celebrated my own milestone today. My beautiful car (even though slightly dented thanks to someone who thought the Stop sign was just a suggestion) hit 90,000 miles today. At ten years of age she is still a great machine and when I do move onto another vehicle I will miss this car.
Also tonight I have a jewelry party and I'm setting my sights on not buying anything. After all I really don't have the money, but if they have a tricked out ring that engulfs two fingers I may be tempted. If such a ring exists and I buy it I'll post photos.
So enjoy watching The Office and Project Runway tonight. I know I'll be looking at them online tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
So Excited!
I want you to know that I have many things to share with you this week. Starting with what I believe is one of the coolest (pun intended) links. This link take you to the Top 10 Halloween Songs. Now, before grumbling commences these are not your predictable song choices. I happen to love them all, but that shouldn't be a surprise. In fact I'm listening to "Monster Mash" as we speak, okay so it is "Dragula" by Rob Zombie (which is an awesome song if your truthful with yourself), but I listened to the other one today.
If you are more into the romantic side of things then I also have something for you too. Now most of you know my love of all things I Love Lucy, and in the very last episode of The Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz Comedy Hour Edie Adams sang, "That's All". Now this is very bitter sweet for those who know that this duo divorced shortly there after. However, I was searching through YouTube the other day, and found this video:
Or click here.
Monday, September 14, 2009
It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Fall
This is Forever More by Katie Herzberg from the album Apple Tree. You can buy it from Amazon here.
And while many of my friends, family, and co-workers have been complaining about the rain that has been in most of down pour since Thursday I couldn't be happier! It's beginning to feel a lot like Fall.... since I can, I thought I would list the things I am most looking forward to this season (in hoping that it does not get above 90 degrees here).
- One Tree Hill Season Premiere -- That's Today!
- Listening to Chasing Pavements by Adele and Hero by Regina Spektor (because for reasons unknown to anyone they sound better in fall to me).
- The weather. I love cooler weather!
- Football Games. My baby sister, Andi, is in color guard.
- CSI: New York Season Premiere -- Wednesday, September 23rd
- Possibly going to another concert at Granbury Live with Tammy.
- Halloween. This is from One Tree Hill, but this is my current wallpaper.
- Watching Sleepy Hollow (Johnny Depp/Tim Burton). Makes it seem that much better.
- New Bible Study (I'm a nerd, what can I say?)
- Getting to drink hot chocolate because it is cooler!
Those are just a few things I'm looking forward to. I hope the rest of you are excited. :D Until then, enjoy the music.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Feeling A Few Drops on this Sunny Day


Tuesday, September 8, 2009
New Beginnings
I'm finally back to a schedule where I'm actually doing something, which as we all know is exactly where I like it. Thursday was Ladies Fellowship, which was wonderful. We had it at Nicki's. I'll give a thumbs up to the manicotti, of which I ate the whole thing. I was hungry and that stuff was good!
Friday I hung out with good friends at On the Border, where William, tried to share his dinner with me. It was a really sweet gesture and had I not been dressed up I probably would've taken it easier. However, all was fine and Shasta got used to me sitting in her lap. Plus William is too cute not to be a little flattered when he tries to share. He really is adorable.

Then Sunday was a very nice day. I finally saw the movies, Valley Girl, go

Now if I could stop this pressing need to have a Coke Float every night that would be great. I'm sure I'll be sick of it soon, but you know how cravings are. Meanwhile yesterday I thought I would scare those around me when I went to Panara (a promise to Andi) and they had Creamy Tomato.... yum.... bread bowl.... sorry I had a Homer Simpson moment there.
Lora, Andi, and I went and saw (500) Days of Summer. For those old enough I loved it. Quirky, bittersweet, and very funny. Be sure to be there for the opening so you can read the author's notes. They set the tone for the movie. I also found out that based on the quiz, Which Dead Rocker Are You, that I was Jerry Garcia. I laughed, but hey, its cool. :D
Well I hope for all you that this week brings many great surprises (I know I'm crossing my fingers). Have a blessed week and please keep me in your prayers. I have some big decisions on my plate and although none of them are very urgent, I still need to know which direction to go in.
PS: Anyone else excited about the DIVAS concert on VH1 or that Kelly Clarkson and Adele are going to be doing a duet together? No? Just me?... Well you should be excited because that is awesome news!
Oh, and if you need a little pick me up as far as news go this should really warm your heart, no really, a very sweet story of Kaleb Eulls
Much Blessings,
~ Kelli
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Bad news? Where?
Any more I think the world feels more like this Talking Head's song than anything else. With news coming at you everywhere about how bad it is getting it makes me want to bury my head in the sand. And I watch O'Reilly nightly! I live for politics and world news and okay a little controversy, but even I'm getting my fill.
However, today as I was lamenting my own frustrations with my life I read this and I teared up. Sure Hallmark cards make me cry, but with the news of the past year I thought I had hardened a little bit, turns out all it took was the right story and my humanity was back in full force. This story of Kaleb Eulls are one of those great stories that make you set up and walk a little prouder for being part of the human race. His selfless act and heroism certainly makes this blogger realize that all is not lost yet.

So to Kaleb Eulls, who for me helps keep my favorite quote at the forefront, "The characteristic of genuine heroism is its persistency. All men have wandering impulses, fits and starts of generosity. But when you have resolved to be great, abide by yourself, and do not try to reconcile yourself with the world. The heroic cannot be common, nor the common heroic." - Ralph Waldo Emerson, poet (1803-1882). Thanks a lot!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Brushes, Bags, and Blogs
It is September 1st. I even got to work at 8:30 like I've been trying to do for the past week. I know you're thinking that sounds lazy, and it is, but to be fair I have not been myself since I got back. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things and it is tough. Much harder than I thought possible.
I've had several people tell me that they miss my emails and after I came down from the cloud of euphoria after such sweet comments I decided I'll start writing them again. This is where Blog comes in. Yes, I haven't quite got my blog to where I want it to be, but I've decided to at least make every Tuesday my 'email' day. And just because I'm not in Mexico doesn't mean those strange tales don't still happen to me. I think the ironic thing is that irony seems to define my life and I find it quite funny.
I've been gone a while so there is much to tell, but alas I'm going to keep it within the week because otherwise you'd stop reading half way through... I realized that Mexico had a profound effect on me this past Saturday when I went to a barbeque. Oh, the food was delicious (and not served in big metal barrels either), but there were mosquitos. After I realized that I had been bitten several times (because I didn't put bug spray on... so maybe not that profound), I didn't panic because I had something in my purse. That is right I had anti-itch cream, thank-you Mexico.
As for the title of my email well you know me. I like things that are related and begin with the same letter. This shouldn't surprise you though... so brushes? Oh yeah, this past Friday my brush broke in half! Let the hair jokes commense. Then on the same day, several hours later I was about to put my computer bag into my car when the strap snapped falling to the ground and giving me a cut on my thumb that throbbed like no one's business. I couldn't figure out why it hurt so bad until I saw the blood...
Fred is okay. I know I checked. The CD Rom was open, but I figured that was Fred just sticking his tongue out at me for dropping him in the first place.
On a cool note front those of you who are big Wizard of Oz fans it will be playing on the big screen Sept. 23rd at 7:00 pm for the 70th Anniversary! You can get tickets online by click here.
Well until next week when I have my stuff together... hopefully. If you were to receive a thank-you card or vanilla from me, it is coming. Did I mention getting back into the swing of things is tough?
Okay, bye for now!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Hair Today...

The photo to your left is Bethany Joy Galeotti, or in this photo, Haley James Scott. If I could pull off those bangs I would in a second. This was probably my favorite hair style from One Tree Hill and I still love it. For those of you not addicted to this drama

My hair actually use to be this long, but I wanted a change and so after seeing the photo on your right of Natalie Portman, I decided to cut it. Mine never did quite look like this, but it was super cute all the same, once I got some of it to grow out. You see I didn't get my stylist on the day I decided to cut my hair (appointment mix up), but I was too eager to change it and went with someone else! BIG MISTAKE!! That is why I urge you to find a good one and stick with them! Lesson learned!
Feeling Good: Everyone has a bad hair day.
Looking Good: Everyone can look this good with the right sylist.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Talk About Being Beat Up!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I'm baaack! And Other Travel Condrums.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Ah, the joy of a new style!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Sunday Mornings
Here is a link to listen to him: You can download any of his lessons, any which way you need to, for free. If you are searching I hope you get as much pleasure of hearing God's Word from this man as I do.
There is nothing like a great church family, and I am blessed to have that, but getting to hear God's Word this way Monday through Friday, is also a wonderful blessing. Since this is Father's Day, and my Daddy was who got me listening to him, I thought I would share him with you.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Tips for Packing / Traveling
So, here is what I do to help keep my packing under control:
Biggest rule? Make a list. It doesn't matter if you do it on the computer and print it out or do it by hand, but if you have a list you tend to remember what you need to take and it forces you to figure out what outfits need to go and those that don't.
When making the list remeber these rules:
1. Go through your every day routine, starting from when you first get out of bed. Write down every product you use that you need to take with you. Example, toothbrush, toothpaste, face wash, medication.
2. When packing underwear always make sure you pack for each day +1. In case of emergencies.
3. Don't forget your pajamas. I can't tell you how many times I've done this. And shoes. If leaving for a week pick about three shoes that can go with several outfits.
4. Accessories. It's amazing what you will forget. Earrings, watches, necklaces, bracelets, write them all down.
5. Others/Entertainment. Do NOT underestimate the need for this category. This includes your phone, your chargers, DVDs, DVD Players, MP3s, and books/magazines. You will want these and be sorry you forgot them.
6. The final part: MONEY!, Purse/wallet, Passport (if going to a foreign country which does include Mexico and Canada).
7. Always pack a few plastic ziplock bags. I choose various sizes, but you should always have a couple with you. You'll be surprised how handy these come in.
Since I'm going on a trip this week I thought this might be helpful for those of you who get panicked when it comes time to pack. I've certainly packed too much or not enough, but through trial and error I've found the above points to work and I always end up having a great trip.
If you have any great tips that have made your packing easier, please pass them along!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
New Years Come Early?
1. I don't like my weight first off. I am a size 18 on a good day.
2. I have a few moles. Nothing gross that is really outstanding, but they drive me nuts. I just need to find a good doctor, which leads to number three.
3. I have some medical issues that I need to get resolved. The problem is finding a good doctor.
4. I may be looking for a new job in the very near future and I want to make a good impression. Despite the weight.
5. I want to feel good about what I look like despite what size I am.
The Challenge:
Starting July 7th I will fully begin the challenge of remedying all of this. The reason is I will be back in the States and I get my new haircut on that date. A great hair cut is a great way to feel good about yourself, so we will start with something simple, easy, and something everyone can do. After that I will try to tackle each issue and by July 7th, 2010, I hope to have each issue resolved.