I am what most would consider to be a very passionate person. I entrench myself in whatever subject has meaning to me.
Like the Titanic when I was in the fourth grade when my dad had bought me Dr. Robert Ballard's book, and I just couldn't get enough. (I even created a group in my 4th grade class so that we could study it more.)
Or Lucille Ball I have nearly every biography of her and a ridiculous amount of memorabilia.
Or the X-Files. I know the names to all episodes and even years later can tell you more facts than you care to know.
The point is that when I get on a subject I learn all I can, but as is the point of this post, I don't stop there. I share it.
You can ask my dear friend, Shas, (who by the way found out she is having a boy!) who sat through bus rides and high school every Monday morning listening to my re-cap of X-Files. Or any other passionate issue I had. My poor family has gotten the brunt of it...
The reason I feel the need to tell you is that my other favorite subject (after Jesus) is politics. I can't stand by anymore with what is happening and if I'm going to be honest about it I will tell you what I'm doing. I don't expect you to agree with what I say on politics, but I hope whatever position you take that you too will be prompted to move. That is my purpose.
Although I know snippets about such things as One Tree Hill, Glee, and Law & Order: Criminal Intent will probably make an appearance as well. So you've been warned there too.
No worries guys. Most of my posting will be devotionals, but my passion just won't let me remain silent, and so I share. Although if you ask Shas I'm sure she'll tell you I was quite entertaining about my X-Files re-cap.
This week has probably been the toughest for me in ways that I can't divulge here. They are just too private and while I know blogging is to let that out it doesn't concern just me. Suffice it to say I'm praying for an all out miracle to my situation because the only way any of this is going to be resolved is through God himself.
There is a possible light at the end of the tunnel. I have a job interview on Monday, if I get this job it would certainly be a miracle. Not because I'm not qualified, but because it would be an answer to many of my prayers.
I had to pray before I took the interview however because I have another dream that I've worked so hard on, but doesn't seem to be coming true. However, I didn't want to take what seemed like a great opportunity because I was desperate for money and miss out on a big blessing on the other side.
So I talked to my pastor because I needed an outside view, but was still Christian. He said to go for it, so I'm going for it.
If you read this keep me in your prayers. I hurt and could really use some good news.
Since taking my own challenge I have come up with a series of arbitrary points that I use to keep myself motivated to not tell myself to shove the challenge and pull that jerk out of his car and beat him until some sense has been restored.
Not only am I now paying attention to how drivers treat me (not that it was an issue before), but now I'm paying attention to my own actions.
Thus the creation of the point system:
* There are three things to remember: 1. the point amount can vary based on the situation. If the person is an incredible jerk not retaliating then can be assigned more points. 2. You know your triggers, feel free to make up your own "good for me" points. 3.Take a breather and focus on personal point goals. Even if the jerk cut you off.
Here is how I did last night going to get a pedicure, driving to World Market and Target to get Lora ginger snaps and ginger ale, and coming home.
1. I got a point for not slowing down to a slow crawl for the white mini van that rode my butt.
2. I got a point for only throwing my hands up in the air and not a finger gesture AND
3. I got two points for not honking at the same woman who after several minutes decided to do a u-turn back into the parking lot instead of going right or left.
4. I got three points for again not slowing down to a ridiculously slow crawl to the woman in the SUV who thought that by driving faster and getting on my butt was the way to get me to move faster.
* In residential areas I do not speed. Period. Even well traveled residential areas. More people are walking these days and I'm not about to hit them so you can forget it! Rant: Over
5. I got a point taken away for speeding up to beat another car at a four way stop so the woman behind me had to wait on two cars before going. ** Well worth the point reduction (see: number 4)!
Total points scored: 6 points out of a possible 7 for the evening. I don't know if that is good or not, but for me I thought I did relatively well.
So my question is how are you doing?
Need more zen music? I know I used mine. Here's another great song:
This came to me on Friday, and suddenly I had to write about it and get it off my chest. It is something that gets to me every time I see it, feel it, hear about it, or read about it. That is Road Rage. This past week a little boy, age four, was shot in the back. It should sicken your stomach when you read such stories. People being killed, wounded, and their families forever altered because of road rage. And yet we still refuse to address the issue at hand. The reason for such acts. Us.
Every single one of us that drives is responsible for our actions, and never has our selfishness escalated in such a way as it does on the road. How many times have you sat in a line of cars to see some jerk travel down the blocked road to get in closer to the front instead of of waiting in line the way everyone else does? It is selfish and terrible. How many of you have done that yourself?
There is a universal principle that we all operate under and that is that each of us is a great driver. The truth is that at any given time we can make a split decision that will effect someone else on the road. I could describe in the last week the things that were done to me that upset me. You have a list too. The only way any of this is going to change is if you and I decide that no matter what we are going to drive the way God wants us to.
So I'm issuing a challenge to you and me. If we want the way people drive to change we have to change. There is no other way around it. You can't ask someone to do something you are not willing to do. I know it may not seem like it will make much of a difference, but that is a lie that laziness and fear love to spew.
Here are things I want to see incorporated, and you can certainly add to the list.
When someone lets you in, wave!
If you see someone trying to get into a lane, let them in. (If they are trying to get in after going down the lane knowing it is ending I'll let you use your best judgement.)
Don't cut someone off, there are few rare cases when you don't know you've done it. Don't act like you haven't known exactly what you were doing. Slow up or speed down, but don't cut off!
When a driver is obnoxious don't retaliate. To help you achieve that have something that will calm you. Anything short of alcohol or drugs that will make you zen is recommended.
If someone is not going the speed limit, do not ride their butt. Go around them if you can (without waving your thoughts at them), or once again find your zen.
Use your blinker appropriately.
Do not honk at the person who stopped at the light like they are suppose to.
NEVER, EVER stop on railroad tracks. EVER. EVER.
I live and work just a couple of miles from the #15 Worst Traffic Spot in the Nation! I'm not advocating you be stupid or not drive like you know people are stupid, but there are some common courtesies that would help ease the driving experience.
I will give you an honest account for the next week about my progress as I've been guilty of every one of these except the last one. My dad taught me to have a healthy respect for trains.
Unfortunately "love your neighbor as yourself" applies to driving too. So, come take the challenge with me and see what changes for you. Let me know as good or bad I would love to hear the stories. Even if it is to agree with you that the jerk deserved it and you deserve sainthood for dealing with it.
I have three devotionals I'm working on, but the more I get into this, the more research I have to do. I'm quite enjoying it actually and wished all those terrible papers I had to write in college were this fun. Except for my Humanities essay in which I used David Bowie/Queen's song "Under Pressure" to describe and explain a particular Greek philosophy. I'm quite proud of that.
Today on Pastor Paul's podcast was a particularly timely sermon for me. Based on Joseph's life with Potifer and more importantly, Potifer's wife it was about doing God's will and living God's standard. The catch was that Joseph did not receive an immediate blessing from doing this, in fact he was sent prison. So, for those of us who are trying to live God's standard and follow His will there might not be an immediate blessing. If you get the chance I highly recommend listening to it here. (It is entitled God Is Still in Control posted on 04/06/11)
I hope it blesses your heart too.
On a more personal issue I tweeted with a virus today. NOT a computer virus, but the measles virus. All because I reported that here in the Metroplex (for those un-familiar it refers to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area) there were two people diagnosed with it. You can catch our conversation on my twitter page.
While we're on the subject of tweeting and blogging I will be changing my profile picture soon, but I need some help deciding what I'm going to choose. I usually leave my picture for months without changing it, so I want to be happy with what I choose. I'll have the three contenders on here soon and if you can help me choose I'd appreciate it.
For fun today I have this great music video. It is from an artist I just heard about, Nick Gardner.
For quite a while I had a hard time with the concept of "positive thinking" versus prayer. The way it was presented to me it was one or the other, and while I understood the concept of positive thinking I know the power of prayer.
However, I have come to find that there really isn't a fight between the two because each of them is different. How to use "positive thinking" with prayer has slowly been solidifying in my mind for months now, but this weekend it was cemented.
On Saturday I attended a women's conference at a local church and the great Thelma Wells was headlining the event. Many of you know her from Women of Faith, and if you haven't had a chance to hear her speak you should. She is called "Mamma T" for a reason. She has book about depression and if you have been going through a tough, rough, or sick and tired of being sick and tired time then I suggest it to you.
Thelma spoke throughout the conference, but the end was what drew my attention the most. It was one of those where you know you are being spoken to and I couldn't help but rejoice with relief as I heard her describe me and what has been going on for the past while.
She suggested something that brings both positive thinking and prayer together in a way that is biblical and freeing. It was exactly what I had been praying about and now God had answered that prayer.
Our mind truly is where the battleground is. Everything starts with a thought. Did you know it takes 55 minutes of positive words to override 5 minutes of negative words? With our minds as the battle ground it is important that we have the tools to fight against that startling reality.
God already gives us the tools,
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:10-18 (NIV)
Like I've said before though we can certainly be our own worst enemy and all it can take some days is just the wrong word to go in the right ear and suddenly you're spiraling. So Thelma described some positive thoughts or affirmation that she uses and how we can use them to combat the five minutes of negative (that if we believe we will start acting as if true).
Bad Thought >> Positive Affirmation
I'm broke. >> I have all the money I need to do everything I want.
I'm fat. >> I am well and healthy.
I'm weak. >> I know I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.
You can certainly add your own, as you know what negative things you tell yourself, but I encourage you, as Thelma did, to listen to the negative thoughts you say about yourself and come up with a positive thought to counter-act it.
I have found it to be true, and therefore need to put it into practice, that what we think we become. If you are constantly negative and down about everything then life will never be any better because you're continually looking through a negative perspective.
And that is where I finally understand that positive thinking isn't against prayer, but the perspective that you put on your outlook and thoughts to see the truth before you.