Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Pretty Giveaway

I always want to feel pretty. Without question. You can use the adjectives here: beautiful, gorgeous, out of this world, whatever word that you ascribe to being pretty is the word I want to be. Daily. The problem comes because all too often I don't feel that way. Far from it. Yet, an involuntary impulse within me makes me want to be pretty every day, and therefore makes it impossible to leave the emotion behind.

So when I gave the challenge on Tuesday to tell yourself every day that you are pretty, I had already been doing so for over two weeks. And this firsthand account is what I have found:

To be honest I would forget to tell myself I was beautiful in the mornings. I was rushing to get ready, but when I was at work or I had a moment to actually look at my reflection, whether I felt it or not, I would tell myself out loud (not too loud for others to hear - I said pretty, not creepy) I was beautiful. I didn't always believe in that moment, but later on I would catch a glimpse of myself and I couldn't help but see something good reflecting back.

The more I told myself this one thing the more effort I put into my hair, make up, and clothes, and I already put quite the effort. However, there was an element to it that hadn't been there in a while: fun. I had fun picking out my outfits, decided what color to put on my eyelids, and how I should wear my hair.

It has put such a wonderful spin on my thoughts toward myself in the past few weeks that I believe I will keep going. I recommend it to everyone, especially you, the one who thinks that by doing so you will gain nothing. Why not try it? Why not, for a few days, or weeks try doing something that requires nothing more than telling yourself, what others already see. And yes, they do see your beauty, far more than you do.

And now for the giveaway. The subject of beauty is so deep for women that there is a multi-billion dollar industry that caters to the subject. However, I think the attack on women, and the subject of beauty goes far deeper than simple appearance. One of the best books I've ever read on the subject and one that touched me so deeply on it was the book, Captivating, by Stasi and John Eldredge. So profound on the subject that if you have not read it I want to give you the opportunity to read it now.

I'm giving away one copy of this book to my readers, you may give it away to any female you know who needs to read a book that was written specifically for them in mind. I'll keep it open until next Thursday, June 9th. To enter just comment on what makes you feel beautiful.*

* No out of US entries (Sorry!) and this contest is entirely supported by me, and in no way related to anyone else.

Stay Beautiful
by Taylor Swift

Much Love,

1 comment:

Chastity Beene said...

I would say this has been a struggle for me lately, because apparently crazy things happen to you body and face while pregnant (I'm too mortified to go into details.) But that said, I feel beautiful when I get to sleep late and spend the day in a t-shirt and a hat.